I Dreamed This

I missed a week of Inspiration Monday, but I’m back.

I’ve been busy writing draft one of my third book, which is actually the prequel in the series. I’m about one hundred pages in. My manuscripts usually end up being 500-600, but I have a lot of ground to cover in this prequel and I’m starting to wonder if it’s going to turn into two novels. Or three. I’m also procrastinating working on the synopsis for book one so I can start querying. It’s written, but needs major tweaking.

So here’s my attempt at this week’s Inspiration Monday.

* * * * *

I dreamed this. Wind so violent, tearing at my hair, my clothes. The ground rumbles underfoot, and the city falls before my eyes. The dust becomes a new entity, rising up, higher than the top of the once highest building, yet suddenly the wind cuts off and I’m shielded inside a clean, soundless space, like an insect caught in an upside down glass.

You dreamed this, from the other side. Your distance flavored your terror with helplessness. You didn’t know I was inside that glass.

And when I woke up, you were there, but I was not. I was still inside that glass, watching you try to wake me.

16 thoughts on “I Dreamed This

  1. That’s a really amazing piece in its own way. It’s not like your best piece or anything, but its still really good. I like the concept.

    • Thanks, and I agree. There’s a bit more to it in my mind, but it didn’t make it out of me. Maybe I’ll continue it for the next InMon.

  2. Pingback: Inspiration Monday XIX « BeKindRewrite

    • You’re not the only one who had to re-read. That’s interesting. I hope I’m not getting too cryptic. I don’t like that! Thanks for the comment.

  3. Very nice piece. I, too, had to reread it. I love the part ..”You dreamed this, from the other side”.

    Best wishes on your book, Kay. Sounds like you have it pretty much in control.

    Your writing is always so GOOD!

    • Good! Thank you for your comment. It means a lot to hear what others think, to hear what works and what doesn’t. It helps me improve so much.

  4. Pingback: I’m The Only One Who Can’t | Kay Camden

    • Not another double read! I feel bad for making you all read twice! I’ll have to figure out what it is about this one…
      Thanks for the comment. Knowing this helps a lot.

  5. I, too, read it twice; but the picture became clear the second time around of what was transpiring…or expiring. :)

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